Pyramid of the Sun - Where Man Met The Gods

The vast cultural history of Mexico has been shaped by its Mesoamerican archaeological sites and the flourishing per-Columbian societies that existed before the Spanish arrival. Prominent amongst all sites is the city of Teotihuacan having the pyramidal structures built to honour the birth of the Sun and Moon gods.
Pyramid of the Sun
The Pyramid of the Sun was built by the Teotihuacanos along the Avenue of the Dead between 1 A.D. and 250 A.D. Although the pyramid's existence was confirmed in the early 1900s, the 1970s saw the discovery of a 100 yards long cave beneath the pyramid, which ended in a four-leaf clover with four chambers. The artefacts in the chamber suggested that priests would perform daily rituals to appease the Sun and Moon-god.
The Pyramid of the Sun was built by the Teotihuacanos along the Avenue of the Dead between 1 A.D. and 250 A.D. Although the pyramid's existence was confirmed in the early 1900s, the 1970s saw the discovery of a 100 yards long cave beneath the pyramid, which ended in a four-leaf clover with four chambers. The artefacts in the chamber suggested that priests would perform daily rituals to appease the Sun and Moon-god.
At a size of 738 feet (225 meters) across and 246 feet (75 meters) high, the Pyramid of the Sun is the third-largest pyramid in the world. It is thought that the design and location of the pyramid represent different realms of the Teotihuacan universe - celestial, terrestrial and subterranean.
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