Celebrating Christmas in Mexico City

Credit: AlejandroLinaresGarcia / CC-BY-SA 3.0
Like almost everywhere else in the world, Christmas is one of the most beloved yearly holidays in Mexico City. However, it has a unique look to its celebrations.
The Christmas celebration in Mexico City actually commences from the third Saturday of November. Every day from that point on until Christmas day is called Adviento. One very old family tradition in Mexico City is the lighting of a candle on each day of Adviento.
The city is alive with lights and vibrant Christmas colours all throughout this month-long celebration. During this time, there are also a number of festivals that take place. One of the most cherished is a festival that centres on Christmas time plants and flowers. This is so popular a Christmas festival because families in the city have long had a tradition of buying Christmas Eve. In fact, among many of these families have begun a tradition of buying their traditional Christmas Eve flowers here. You will find colourful Christmas piñatas (a star-shaped with 7 cones coming out from round base) hanging in the market. Most of the stores throughout the city also get in on the act with all manner of decoration and ornamentation. The homeowners of a number of neighbourhoods usually get together to decorate their street. You will often see some streets that are literally covered in Christmassy decoration. Many of these neighbourhoods even have constant street parties going on throughout the month. On December 12, all Mexicans celebrate the Virgin of Guadalupe. It is celebrated until January 6.
The nine days preceding Christmas Eve are called Posadas. During these days, groups of friends and families gather together to have rousing private parties in honour of these special days. These nine days celebrate the journey of Mary and Joseph as they travelled to Bethlehem where Jesus would be born. Christmas day is usually a day of quiet family togetherness. A tradition Mexico City Christmas meal includes turkey, Cod, salad, romeritos, and cider.
The city is alive with lights and vibrant Christmas colours all throughout this month-long celebration. During this time, there are also a number of festivals that take place. One of the most cherished is a festival that centres on Christmas time plants and flowers. This is so popular a Christmas festival because families in the city have long had a tradition of buying Christmas Eve. In fact, among many of these families have begun a tradition of buying their traditional Christmas Eve flowers here. You will find colourful Christmas piñatas (a star-shaped with 7 cones coming out from round base) hanging in the market. Most of the stores throughout the city also get in on the act with all manner of decoration and ornamentation. The homeowners of a number of neighbourhoods usually get together to decorate their street. You will often see some streets that are literally covered in Christmassy decoration. Many of these neighbourhoods even have constant street parties going on throughout the month. On December 12, all Mexicans celebrate the Virgin of Guadalupe. It is celebrated until January 6.
The nine days preceding Christmas Eve are called Posadas. During these days, groups of friends and families gather together to have rousing private parties in honour of these special days. These nine days celebrate the journey of Mary and Joseph as they travelled to Bethlehem where Jesus would be born. Christmas day is usually a day of quiet family togetherness. A tradition Mexico City Christmas meal includes turkey, Cod, salad, romeritos, and cider.
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